Wednesday, 24 October 2012

PeoplePerHour Review

I joined people per hour in July. I thought this might be a good way to generate a bit more business and, on the face of it, the concept is really good. It's free to join and advertise yourself - in accordance with VERY strict guidelines - no personal branding allowed. Which is hard, that kinda goes against the point of advertising. You only "pay a fee" once you've been paid - so if you earn they take a cut. I thought, fine, still cheaper than other advertising packages. I'll give it a go.

My smiling face - why wouldn't you hire that face?
My first job came in - a short copywriting piece for a lovely client and the money appeared. Oooh. Exciting! £12.00. Oh, that shrunk to £9.84 but that's okay. This could lead to more work and I did get 5 star feedback from the client.

See, would I lie to you? Okay, you get it, I'm good, so hire me?

The first trouble came when I tried to withdraw the funds. Now, ANY freelancer will tell you that when you do finally earn a buck it feels great. That £9.84 is all mine and will go a little way towards the food bill.

Except, you can't withdraw your funds if the balance is UNDER £10.00.

Wow - that is frustrating

Another thing that any freelancer will tell you is that you must spend time on your own business admin/advertising and portfolio. You need to stay fresh and relevant in order to appeal to the market. So I updated one of my adverts - People Per Hour call these "hourlies".

This concept of an hourlie sort of shoots itself in the foot. If you really are just doing an hour for a client and 15% of your earning is being deducted from your fee AND you can't withdraw funding under a tenner then you are looking at an hourlie rate of around £14.00. That is fairly steep in a competitive market where people are scrabbling around to earn whatever they can. The only way around that would be to sell in bulk. "I can do x in 3 hours for £xx.xx" but I don't think that is as appealing to a buyer. People PER HOUR. The clue is in the title.

These details aren't that easy to find to be honest.

Once you've got your advert, or hourlie, set up you have the option to share the advert - on your chosen medium. I opted for twitter, g+ and facebook. Again, this is you scratching their back as well as advertising your services but it is free and takes no time at all.

A word of warning, make sure the hourlie has passed the very stringent moderation guidelines. I updated mine and pushed it out only to be told (hours later) that it hadn't passed moderation as People Per Hour had updated their "best practice" rules.

The massive downside with is was the exposure that I'd already got (PPH make a point of retweeting hourlies that they see posted on twitter and had RT'd mine) with a broken link to an error message hinting that I had, in some way, broken the LAWS OF THE INTERNET.

Bearing in mind, for a moment, the services I offer  that is potentially going to ruin my small business. It makes me look massively unprofessional. I spend my working hours advising people on social media and URLs. To send out broken ones myself is a tad embarrassing. To send out links with the implication that I am breaking rules is quite something else.

However, I complained and the team got back to me straight away, which was good customer service at least.

On the whole I recommend PeoplePerHour if you are looking to get freelance work - or hire a freelancer. Just be careful to know everything upfront and don't fall into the trap of the £10.00 minimum withdrawal limit, rules on hourlies and the slightly confusing billing system!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

British Gas. Again. What *is* it with these people?

I ceased being a British Gas customer on 23rd August. I switched as British Gas were incapable of following simple admin requests.

Here is a picture of the final, final, actual final statement. You can see that the statement
date is the 4th of October. You can see that the statement period is until the 23rd August.

Notice the dreadful maths here too - balance-£156.68, what you paid - £166.68. Hm.  I don't have the energy (pardon the pun) to fight that. They win.

You might wonder then, as indeed I am, why they felt the need to send me this letter dated the 12th October.

Slightly smudged - it was raining, I wasn't crying with frustrating and stress or anything...!

Maybe if British Gas didn't waste so much money sending letters to people who aren't, in fact, their customers then they might not have to raise the price of energy.

Now I begin to question whether they are still treating me like a customer and whether I will get billed for energy already supplied to me by the more admin savvy EDF? Time will tell.

I am living in fuel poverty. Price hike or not, I can't afford to turn on the heating.

Monday, 15 October 2012

An evening by the sea.

Last night I was treated to a very rare evening out, courtesy of Mr Me's parents. Fighting a cold all weekend I was looking forward to the fresh Autumn sea air clearing my head. It worked.

We spent our evening in Torquay. Now, those who know me know my opinion on the seaside towns in Devon. I rarely wax lyrical about them. Although lots offer fab places to eat great local fish so not all is lost. If you are looking for amazing restauranty type fish I'd recommend the No 7 Fish Bistro near the Harbour in Torquay. Or, if it's great fish and a view that you are after (as long as you aren't fussed about the side dishes) I loved the atmosphere of The Breakwater Bistro in Brixham.

Last night we were treated to a turn (or 3!) on the Torquay Wheel. On loan until 4th Nov (so hurry!) this giant wheel offers splendid views over the bay. According to their site "At 60 metres high the big wheel recently installed on Torquay sea front is taller than Nelson's Column. " Not entirely sure how relevant that is. All I can tell you is that I couldn't see Nelson's Column from Torquay sea front*. If you *would* like to see Nelson's Column you can do so from the top deck of most central London buses. My favourite time and way to see said column is from the N87 to Kingston (via Clapham Junction) at about 5 in the morning.

But back to the "Torquay Eye". We went on in the evening, not as cold as you'd think, and were treated to views of the bay all lit up. Looking out for Berry Head lighthouse was my favourite bit and I was certainly treated to a nicer aspect of Torquay that I am used to. If you have a problem with heights I wouldn't suggest you go on it - it does rock a little and is glass, not to mention being an awfully long way up! Although it was a lovely evening and it did clear the cobwebs...

*In much the same way that Mrs Richards couldn't see herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plains from her Torquay Hotel bedroom window

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Time Keeping. Keeping Time

Up until yesterday I was using myhours as my online time keeping solution. It is web based and free and so over the past 12 months is has become a huge part of my daily business admin.

As someone who is self employed, keeping track of the minutes that you spend working on a project is vital when it comes to invoicing a client. Those five minutes here and there matter and soon mount up. After all, no-one is working for free.

So, last week, when myhours inexplicably went down and starting throwing out 503 error pages I was a bit annoyed. I assumed it was a glitch, kept a careful eye on the clock myself and got on with the job in hand.

Yesterday, the site went down again. Hmm. Part way through 4 and something hours for a client. Great. Once is forgiven. Twice and this consumer will walk. I wanted to email them - don't you know your site is down? But I couldn't as their "mailto" is hidden on the home page that is broken.

I took to twitter. Other people seemed to be having issues. I tweeted in the hope that the solution (or a contact for myhours) would appear out of thin air. Nothing.

So I googled and I came across

Cleaner, sexier UI

Okay, it is prettier. And it is more modern in tone. And the free basic package seems to offer everything I need as a one man band. So I signed up. I've clocked up a little over 4 hours so far without a single issue.

And, more importantly for me? I got a response to my twitter myhours query from a gent in the states. I replied suggesting paymo as an alternative as he too was struggling with myhours. Within the hour paymo got in touch:

Real customer service

I haven't had chance to look into the reporting element of the software but I've added the clients I am working with this week and I'm tracking the time I am spending so I am happy. And I am a sucker for a company getting it right...